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Chemicals to watch - What to avoid in deodorants & antiperspirants

Posted by Sarah Hyndman on
Chemicals to watch - What to avoid in deodorants & antiperspirants - Little Mango Deodorants

Here are some chemicals to avoid in deodorants & antiperspirants

You'll normally find parabens, triclosan, phthalates, propylene glycol and aluminum in generic supermarket and pharmacy brands of deodorant and antiperspirants. It's likely you know that these are chemicals to avoid, because research has linked these nasties to illnesses and imbalances including types of cancer and hormonal instability which can cause reproductive and developmental issues. 

Parabens - Endocrine disruptors

In particular, parabens have been shown to influence estrogen levels (among other hormones) and an imbalance can not only get your hormones out of whack (pretty awful in it's own right!) but can affect the rate of cancer cell growth too. 

Aluminium - Genetic disruptor

Likewise, aluminium is a nasty neuro-toxin indicated in the development of Alzheimer's, but can also cause “gene instability” in breast tissue - and these changes to genetic material may increase the growth rate of tumors or cancer cells.

Propylene Glycol - Skin irritant

Classified as safe for use on the skin, proylene glcol is nonetheless recognised as a skin irritant and allergen with the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology  stating "Propylene glycol is capable of producing both primary irritant skin reaction, and allergic sensitization".

Triclosan - 'Contaminant of emerging concern'

Various studies report emerging health concerns including dermal irritations, endocrine disruption, higher incidence of allergies, microbial resistance, altered thyroid hormone metabolism and tumors... this chemical has the potential to really mess with your body!

Pthalates - all round nasties

Phthalates are industrial chemicals used to soften PVC plastic and as solvents personal care products, and experts agree that repeated exposure is needed before they are harmful... wait, how about daily use of deodorants!

The The Guardian reported "researchers have linked phthalates to asthma, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, breast cancer, obesity and type II diabetes, low IQ, neurodevelopmental issues, behavioral issues, autism spectrum disorders, altered reproductive development and male fertility issues".


Can chemical deodorants cause cancer?

Although no direct link is proven between cancer and deodorant application, we know that the toxins and hormone disruptors in chemical deodorants and antiperspirants can influence the growth rate of cancer cells, and there is a physical clue that deodorant use may be linked to breast cancers - 50% of breast cancer lumps occur in the upper outside quadrant of the breast, nearest where deodorants are daily applied to the skin. 


Armpits are delicate wee petals & deserve natural goodness

The underarm area is a particularly vulnerable area to apply toxins as the skin is thin, our sweat glands provide countless openings, shaving creates micro-cuts - and there are normally a lot of fat cells in the area (which is where the body often stores toxins).

Your underarm tissue also contains hormone receptors, which may be especially vulnerable to toxic deodorant ingredients, says Philip Harvey, Ph.D., editor in chief of the Journal of Applied Toxicology.

As well as making you outright ill, research has demonstrated that some of the chemical compounds in antiperspirant and deodorant can disrupt your skin's natural microorganisms, wiping out the natural wide range of 'body-flora' (including Corynebacterium which help defend against pathogens).


How can you avoid chemical deodorants and antiperspirants?

Avoiding these toxic compounds in deodorants and antiperspirants is as easy as splashing out $17.99 on New Zealand's most effective all natural deodorant!

If you live in an urban zone, we'll even ship to you for free right now!

Have a read of our guide to making the switch to ensure you get the best results right from the start. Have fun!


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